Are Mergers a Good Thing for Credit Union Members?

790 KGMI Radio Guest Host Mike Hudson recently invited Glenn Christensen, President of CEO Advisory Group, to participate on the show Saturday Morning Live.  Glenn and Mike discussed the credit union industry growth and how members and employees… Read More

NCUA Approves 22 Mergers in November

Credit Union Merger Approvals In November 2014

The NCUA approved 22 mergers in November 2014 which is up from the 17 mergers in November of last year. The combined assets of the merged credit unions are $434 million.  The mean and median assets of merged… Read More

Merger Approvals Peak Again in October

NCUA Merger Approvals October 2014

The NCUA approved 28 mergers in October 2014 which is the second highest merger approval rate for the year. The combined assets of the merged credit unions are $458 million.  The mean and median assets of merged credit… Read More

Merger is a Win for the Community!

Community Wins

Community wins in First West Credit Union’s and Island Savings’ recent announcement of intention to establish endowment in conjunction with their proposed merger.

NCUA Approves 20 Mergers in September 2014

The NCUA approved twenty (20) mergers in September 2014 which is down slightly from the previous two months. The combined assets of the merged credit unions are $393 million. The mean and median assets of merged credit unions… Read More

Proactive Collaboration is the Future of Credit Union Mergers

Proactive Collaboration is the Future of Credit Union Mergers

Credit Union 2.0: An Opportunity to Build Collaborative Partnership is an outstanding report by Filene Research Institute provided courtesy of the Credit Union Times. This report shows the power of collaborative mergers within the credit union movement.

August Merger Approvals Mostly Tiny Credit Unions

NCUA Approved Mergers August 2014

Just as last month the NCUA approved twenty-five (25) mergers in August 2014. However, the asset-size of mergers in August was much smaller. Combined the total assets of the credit unions was $236 million, which is less than a quarter of the assets merged in July. The mean and median assets were $9.5 million and $3.8 million, respectively….

NCUA Approves 25 Mergers in July 2014

25 Mergers Approved In July 2014

Two credit unions with assets exceeding $300 million (Endura Financial CU & State Employees CU) were among the 25 credit union mergers approved by the NCUA in July 2014. The merged credit unions represented over $1 Billion in assets. Three-quarters of the credit unions sited expanded services as the reason for growth.

NCUA to Host Merger Webinar

NCUA to host merger webinar

The NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives will host a free webinar on mergers on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014.

New Trend? Credit Union Acquires Bank

Tallahassee-based First Commerce CU acquires First National Bank ($85M) of Crestview, FL….

Members Win

As the services a credit union offers expands, it grows member roots deeper into the culture and future of the organization.

Employees Win

The future of credit union jobs teem with growth through benefits such as increased total compensation and a new range of career advancement opportunities

The Community Wins

The Community Wins

As a credit union’s potential expands, they have the ability to make a greater impact in the community.

The Credit Union Wins

Credit Union Wins!

More Together – more resources, services, branches, efficiency.

Everyone Wins

The great thing about credit union mergers is Everyone Wins!