Credit Union Mergers – August 2016

NCUA approved 19 mergers in August 2016 which has increased from 11 last month. The number of mergers are up and the combined assets of merged credit unions are also up nearly $86 million compared to last month. … Read More
August Delivers 16 Credit Union Mergers

The number of mergers is down compared to last month and year. The NCUA approved 16 mergers in August 2015, which is down from the 20 mergers in July and 25 in August of last year. While the… Read More
NCUA Approved Credit Union Mergers – April 2015

For the third month in a row the number of credit union mergers is down compared to last year. The NCUA approved 25 mergers in April 2015 which is down from the 32 mergers in April of last… Read More
Credit Union Merger Approvals Up Slightly in March

The NCUA approved 12 mergers in March 2015 which is down from the 22 mergers in March of last year. The combined assets of the merged credit unions are $237 million. The mean and median assets of merged… Read More
January 2015 Merger Approvals

The NCUA approved 21 mergers in January 2015 which is up from the 12 mergers in January of last year. While credit union mergers continue to be primarily smaller credit unions, the January numbers were an aberration from… Read More
NCUA Approves 22 Mergers in November

The NCUA approved 22 mergers in November 2014 which is up from the 17 mergers in November of last year. The combined assets of the merged credit unions are $434 million. The mean and median assets of merged… Read More
Merger Approvals Peak Again in October

The NCUA approved 28 mergers in October 2014 which is the second highest merger approval rate for the year. The combined assets of the merged credit unions are $458 million. The mean and median assets of merged credit… Read More
NCUA Approves 25 Mergers in July 2014

Two credit unions with assets exceeding $300 million (Endura Financial CU & State Employees CU) were among the 25 credit union mergers approved by the NCUA in July 2014. The merged credit unions represented over $1 Billion in assets. Three-quarters of the credit unions sited expanded services as the reason for growth.
NCUA to Host Merger Webinar

The NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives will host a free webinar on mergers on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014.
New Trend? Credit Union Acquires Bank

Tallahassee-based First Commerce CU acquires First National Bank ($85M) of Crestview, FL….