Too Many Credit Unions Lack a Merger Policy

There are two potential approaches that credit unions can take to address merger opportunities: proactive or reactive. A proactive approach entails having a structured policy in place for uncovering and considering potential merger opportunities. A reactive approach often… Read More
Director Perspective – Obstacles to Mergers

We all know credit union mergers have become more and more common in recent decades. With this, however, there are still many leaders who aren’t sold on the idea. What merger obstacles are standing in the way of… Read More
Mergers Dismissed Without Consideration

When a credit union is faced with a merger, it’s also faced with the ability to strategically align itself against competing for financial institutions. Mergers enable credit unions to incorporate the best technologies for both their employees and… Read More
How Receptive Is Credit Union Leadership to a Merger?

In the world of credit unions, mergers are an essential part of growing and staying relevant. In fact, a well-planned merger can actually help you gain a significant competitive advantage. With that said, it seems some leaders are… Read More
The Art and Science of Successful Credit Union Mergers

Merger. The very word can elicit strong emotions throughout the financial services industry, including credit unions. For some, it is viewed as an exciting opportunity for growth. For others, it is dreaded and feared as a loss of… Read More
Considerations for Adding a Merger to Your Credit Union’s Growth Strategy

In the credit union industry, size matters. Mergers offer credit unions a strategic opportunity to gain a competitive advantage through growth. Credit union mergers and acquisitions have been on the rise for several years. In 1969, there were… Read More
Credit Union Mergers: Celebrating the Success!

For many business leaders, part of the American Dream is creating a company that is so successful it will one day be sold to a larger entity. While this goal is seen as part of a strategic investment… Read More
6 Growth Strategies for Small & Medium Credit Unions

Sustained growth can seem insurmountable as a small credit union or medium-sized credit union in a large market. Nearly 80% of industry membership growth is attributed to the 435 credit unions with over $500 million in assets according… Read More
4 Merger Strategies Credit Union Directors Should Consider

Mergers are transforming the credit union landscape. It is, therefore, ever more important for credit union leadership to be addressing the impact of mergers as part of their strategic planning. The NCUA has clearly pronounced the duties of… Read More