Top 10 CU Acquirers by State
Top 10 Map
The first page shows the top 10 credit unions in a region by the sum of assets the continuing credit union merged.
- Click on a state to drill down to the top 10 list for just that state.
- Ctrl + click to select multiple states do drill down to a top 10 list for your selected combination of states.
- Move the date sliders to narrow the results to mergers completed in the years selected.
- Click the full screen button in the lower right to view a larger version of the report.
- Mobile users can access the report through the Power BI app.
The second page shows a table of all completed mergers. You can access the second page with the button at the top of the page.
- Select a state to show only the continuing credit unions based in that state.
- Select a continuing credit union to show only the credit unions that merged into the chosen continuing CU.
- Click on a column header to sort by that column.
We’re excited to help you make informed decisions for your credit union. If you’d like to know more about how industry trends may affect your credit union, please reach out to us.