5 Tips For How Digital Marketing Can Help Your Credit Union Generate Loan Growth

It’s a simple fact of life that virtually every successful credit union focuses on loan growth as a major strategic priority. Of course, the challenge lies in finding cost-effective and efficient ways to gain that growth in quality… Read More
6 Growth Strategies for Small & Medium Credit Unions

Sustained growth can seem insurmountable as a small credit union or medium-sized credit union in a large market. Nearly 80% of industry membership growth is attributed to the 435 credit unions with over $500 million in assets according… Read More
Credit Union Merger Approvals Up Slightly in March

The NCUA approved 12 mergers in March 2015 which is down from the 22 mergers in March of last year. The combined assets of the merged credit unions are $237 million. The mean and median assets of merged… Read More
Are Mergers a Good Thing for Credit Union Members?

790 KGMI Radio Guest Host Mike Hudson recently invited Glenn Christensen, President of CEO Advisory Group, to participate on the show Saturday Morning Live. Glenn and Mike discussed the credit union industry growth and how members and employees… Read More
NCUA to Host Merger Webinar

The NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives will host a free webinar on mergers on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014.