No Time to Manage a Merger?
In any business, the day-to-day happenings are usually more than enough to fill a staff member’s full-time work schedule. Everybody’s operating on overdrive already, and the mere thought of adding another task to the to-do list is simply impossible for many companies.
Any credit union that’s considered undergoing a merger integration process understand that this statement is all too real.
Credit Union Merger Integration: CEOs’ Concerns
In a merger, senior staff members need to be involved in the decision-making processes necessary to ensure a successful integration. Unfortunately, many times, these team members are already overworked, focusing on existing projects that stretch them far beyond their bandwidths.
Thoughtful CEOs realize that this is a cumbersome situation. While the knowledge and input of these leaders are vital to the success of the merger, essential employees already have enough on their plates. With the additional responsibilities that come with a looming merger, leaders can easily become overwhelmed.
The merger process, when done without an outside consultant, will add a significant amount of work to already-taxed team members.The key here is finding balance. How can CEOs facilitate a fruitful merger integration without burning out their senior leaders?
Credit Union Merger Integration: Understanding Your Team’s Role
Although workload is certainly a major concern of many CEOs who are considering entering into a merger, the foremost concern should be expertise. In other words, do decision-makers actually have the expertise necessary to facilitate a successful merger?
Generally speaking, the answer is no.
This isn’t because the credit union’s senior executives aren’t skilled and knowledgeable about their business; rather, it’s because their business isn’t merger integration.
In day-to-day life, credit union executives focus on their companies’ finances, marketing strategies, products, goals, information technology solutions, and customer service. They’re committed to their own brand — their own company.
A merger is a completely different animal. While it absolutely relies on the input, feedback, and assistance from these pivotal leaders, the ins and outs of a merger are quite different from a daily to-do list of credit union executives. Despite years of experience and knowledge of the industry, very few staff members ever have any actual experience dealing with mergers.
Credit Union Merger Integration: Working with Experts
The goal of any successful merger is to produce a positive experience for everyone involved. This means leaders, staff, members, and the community-at-large benefit from the marriage of two credit unions in the end.
How do credit unions come through this whole process with positive results at the end? They rely on outside help from expert advisors who have the best interests of everyone involved at the heart of every decision they make.
CEO Advisory has created a platform, which was built specifically to manage mergers and alleviate undue stress from leaders and team members. Our clients look to us to provide them with a platform that focuses on the following elements:
- Structure
- Guidance
- Project Plan Management
- Secure Document Transfer
- Internal Document Storage
- Collaboration & Chat
Your job is to build the best credit union you can possibly build. Our job is to take that outstanding foundation and make it even more amazing. When you work with CEO Advisory, you’ll have a team of merger integration experts at your service. We’re here to see your merger’s success, from beginning to end.
Is your credit union in the position to consider a merger? Whether you’re being pursued by larger credit unions, or you’re the suiting partner, you shouldn’t go it alone. Our CEO Advisory team is here to help. Forego the frustrations, and let us manage your merger integration process.