Management – 5 Ways to Support Your Credit Union During a Merger
Organizational change: is it incredibly exciting or simply terrifying?
In all truth, it’s usually a pretty solid mix of the two. While organizational change related to mergers is generally viewed as a negative thing in many industries, the credit union world has an advantage in this realm — credit union mergers are signs of success, rather than failure. As such, there are plenty of perks, benefits, and exciting things around the corner.
The thing is, the merger must be managed properly in order to achieve optimal results.
If you’re undergoing a merger, here are five ways you can make sure your credit union community feels supported:
1. Solidify Best Practices
Employees will be going to their managers with many questions in the coming weeks and months. Communication is imperative, but it’s vital that every manager is on the same page when they’re relaying information to their staff members.
A written document that outlines best practices is a good idea, as managers can reference is throughout the process. Be sure to update it as changes occur. Consider the following questions:
- What information should be conveyed to employees?
- In what ways should information be conveyed?
- How often should you communicate changes and updates to your team members?
- What do you do if a team member is negative or disgruntled about the merger?
Click Here to Download White Paper “How Mergers Help Small CUs”
2. Hold Regular Meetings
While your management team may not be involved in every meeting, you must keep them updated on the current status of the merger. This will allow them to convey correct information at the appropriate time, thus shutting down potential rumor mills or miscommunications.
Be sure to keep your management team apprised of changes and updates as they relate to both the merger and the best practices of the organization.
3. Disclose Proposed Positions
When two credit unions become one, managers often worry their jobs will be lost, as two people will now be vying for a single position. Reinforce the benefits of the merger by explaining how your managers’ new roles will support the new credit union as they bring with them the power of knowledge, commitment, and loyalty.
When people feel supported, they feel empowered. This, in turn, helps them support the people who report to them, thus ensuring a more successful transition to a new and improved CU.
4. Include Managers in the Merger Process
Board members obviously know a great deal about their business, but it’s the managers and employees who are the frontline workers of their respective credit unions.
Ask for input from managers so they know you value their knowledge. This will go a long way when it comes to building employee engagement and keeping morale high.
Create merger teams, tasking your managers with responsibilities that fit their unique strengths and skill sets. This will facilitate a more successful union of the two companies while ensuring your managers feel supported.
5. Build Excitement Around the Experience
Soon, your team will have access to upgraded or improved technology. They’ll be able to service members in a larger footprint. They’ll have more growth opportunities, allowing them to manage a bigger and brighter credit union when everything is said and done.
The sky is the limit. It’s important your management team understands the benefits associated with a well-planned merger.
If your credit union is facing organizational change as a result of an upcoming merger, it’s always best to seek the assistance of experienced credit union merger professionals. Experts in this field will guide you through the entire process, ensuring your management team and entire credit union community feel supported at every step of the way.